WIP was established in Fall 2024. It currently has four student directors and a board of faculty advisors. Meet the team
Starting this spring, WIP will work on a timeline of finalizing community partnerships at the beginning of each academic semester. WIP will finalize partnerships at the end of the previous semester, prior to research commencing. Research will be conducted across a three-month period, and policy recommendations will be presented to community stakeholders two weeks before the end of term.
Project Timeline
Wesleyan Institute for Policy Founded
Initial Grant from PCSE Received
Student Directors and Faculty Advisory Board Established
Community Partnerships Established and Project Scope Finalized
Rolling Applications Open on Monday, February 3rd
Applications Close on Friday, February 13th
Undergraduate Research Teams Established
Research Period Begins
Research Concludes Friday, April 25th
Internal Review Period
Policy Recommendations Finalized with Faculty Comment Period
Final Projects Presented to Community Partners